The author' s first volume entitled, "Definitions Of Doctrines" was published about twenty three years ago. He had hoped the second volume would follow soon thereafter. However, our plans did not materialize, and the material in hand became somewhat scattered. Much of it was preserved by being printed in such papers as "Florida Baptist Witness", Jacksonville, Fla.; "The Gospel Witness", Toronto, Canada; "The Biblical Echo", Orlando, Fla., and others. The first volume had been out of print for several years: and the author, due to age and infirmities, had abandoned hope of publishing any more books. However, the Bryan Station Baptist Church, Lexington, Ky., became interested in our writings and was given permission to reprint Volume I on mimeograph, and this led to the printing of this second volume in the same fashion. And all this is in view of publishing these and other books in book form later.
The reader is asked to remember that some of the chapters in this volume have been taken from the above periodicals, while other chapters are of recent preparation. And for this reason there may be slight discrepancies; however, this will be minimal as the writer has held the same doctrinal beliefs throughout the fifty-five years of his ministry. We have tried to express our convictions forthrightly, and if read carefully and prayerfully will be easily understood. He also believes that the doctrines herein set forth are God-honoring. And if they prove to be man humbling, much more will be the blessing. "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (#Lu 14:11).
The brethren who wrote the Introduction and Preface to Volume I are now in glory. We have placed as an appendix a sermon by the dearest friend in the ministry we have ever known, and one of the greatest preachers the South has ever produced: the long time pastor of The First Baptist Church, Plant City, Fla. This sermon by Bro. Sebastian will warm the very cockles of the heart, and be worth the small cost of the book.
In Christian love,
Claude Duval Cole
February 24, 1968
The Bryan Station Baptist Church has begun the task of printing the writings of Claude Duvall Cole. His first volume of "Definitions of Doctrine" was a great book and was printed about 1944. It has been out of print for many years. This book is a great doctrinal work which exalts our Lord as very few books do. It will be a blessing to all who read it. I have used it in Bible study courses and it has been a great blessing to many others. We are printing this book and also other writings by Bro. Cole. Every one of his writings has a great spiritual depth which is not found in modern writers. We hope that these publications will be a help to all who will read them. It is for this purpose that we have undertaken this work as a part of the missionary work of our church. The Bryan Station Baptist Church was organized in 1786. It has stood for the truths taught in these books all of these years and still stands on these truths today. The cost of these books is based on the bare cost of materials. We will supply these books in any amount to all for the cost of publication.
Alfred M. Gormley, Pastor