

(Return to Dictionary Index)





 Sabbath day's journey

 Sabbatical year

























 Salt Sea

 Salt, The city of

 Salt, Valley of




 Samaritan Pentateuch







 Samuel, Books of













 Sardine stone















 Schools of the Prophets









 Sea of glass

 Sea of Jazer


 Sea, The

 Sea, The molten









 Seething pot

























 Sergius Paulus

 Sermon on the mount


 Serpent, Fiery






 Seventy weeks









 Shalim, Land of

 Shalisha, Land of

 Shallecheth, The gate of












 Sharon, Saron


 Shaveh, Valley of























































 Shiloah, The waters of















 Shinar, The Land of





 Shishak I















 Shrines, Silver



 Shual, The land of












 Siddim, Vale of








 Siloah, The pool of

 Siloam, Pool of

 Siloam, Tower of




 Simeon, The tribe of





 Sinaiticus codex

 Sinim, The land of



 Sin, Wilderness of










 Skull, The place of a















 Solemn meeting


 Solomon, Song of

 Solomon's Porch


 Son of God

 Son of man









 Sovereignty of God









 Spirit, Holy







 Star, Morning










 Stones, Precious



 Strain at



 Stream of Egypt


















 Swelling of Jordan



 Sycamine tree









