As the New Testament church is defined in Chapter II, of this
book, I refer the reader to that instead of here defining it.
Webster defines perpetuity: “The state or quality of being perpetual…Continued
existence or duration.”
The late and lamented scholar, J. R. Graves, LL. D., wrote: “Wherever
there are three or more baptized members of a regular Baptist church or
churches covenanted together to hold and teach, and are governed by the New
Testament,” etc., “there is a Church of Christ, even though there was not a
presbytery of ministers in a thousand miles of them to organize them into a
church. There is not the slightest need of a council of presbyters to organize
a Baptist church.”
And the scholarly S. H. Ford, LL. D., says: “Succession among
Baptists is not a linked chain of churches or ministers, uninterrupted and
traceable at this distant day… The true and defensible doctrine is, that
baptized believers have existed in every age since John baptized in Jordan, and
have met as a baptized congregation in covenant and fellowship where an
opportunity permitted.” To this explanation of Church Succession by Drs. Graves
and Ford, all believers in Baptist “Church Succession” fully agree.
As the term “Succession,” from its being used by Romanists, may
mislead the uninformed into the belief that Baptists believe the Apostles have
been succeeded by apostles and hierarchal bishops —bishops who have received
the Spirit from the laying on of the hands of the Apostles, and, then,
episcopal grace, the phrase “Church Perpetuity” is preferable to the phrase “Church
Succession.” The apostolic office terminated with the death of the last of the
Apostles. It was intended only for the closing of the New Testament canon and
the organization of the first churches. The New Testament, and other church
history, certainly teach there were no other bishops in apostolic churches than
pastors of one congregation — the diocese and the diocesan bishop having been
born in the third century.
Every Baptist church being, in organization, a church complete in itself, and, in no way organically connected with any other church, such a thing as one church succeeding another, as the second link of a chain is added to and succeeds the first, or, as one Romish or Episcopal church succeeds another, is utterly foreign to and incompatible with Baptist church polity. Therefore, the talk about every link “jingling in the succession chain from the banks of the Jordan to the present,” is ignorance or dust-throwing.
The only senses in which one Baptist church can succeed another
are that the church leads men and women to Christ, then through its
missionaries or ministers baptizes them, after which the baptized organize
themselves into a Baptist church; or, in lettering off some of its members to
organize a new church; or, in case the old church has fallen to pieces, for its
members to reorganize themselves into a church.
All that Baptists mean by church “Succession,” or Church
Perpetuity, is: There has never been a day since the organization of the first
New Testament church in which there was no genuine church of the New Testament
existing on earth.