Of the thirteenth century, Wadington says: “The heresy of the Paulicians
and Cathari, another religious faction, had at that time considerable
prevalence, which under the various names of Cathari, for Catharists, Puritans,
Gazari, Patereni, Paulicians or Publicans, Bulgari or Bugari was more
particularly charged with Manichaean opinions. The origin of these heretics has
been the subject of much controversy, for while some suppose these errors to
have been indigenous in Europe, there are others who derive them in a direct
line from the very heart of Asia.”1 Hase says:. “The Paulicians
under the name of Euchites …had before” 1115 “become numerous among the
Bulgarians …among which they were commonly called Bogomiles. …Small communities
of Bogomiles were found among the Bulgarians through the whole period of the
middle ages, and Paulicians have continued to exist under many changes in and
around Philopopolis and in the valleys of the Haemus until the present day.”2
Says Fisher: “Certain sects arose in the south of France which with a zeal for
purity of life and in opposition to the claims of the priesthood, as well as to
ecclesiastical abuses in general, combined peculiar doctrinal beliefs which
were somewhat akin to the dualistic ideas prevalent in the East. They…
Wadington's Ch. Hist., p. 286.
Hase's Hist. Chr. Ch. p. 262.
…were called Catharists, and because they were numerous in and
near the city of Albi were named Albigenses. Their tenets threatened the very
foundation of the hierarchical system.”1 C. Schmidt: “A sect which
from the beginning of the eleventh century spread rapidly and widely in
Southern France and maintained itself until in the middle of the thirteenth
century, received its name from the city of Albi, Latin, Albiga, the present
capitol of the department Tarn, which was one of their seats. The name does not
occur, however, until the time of the Albigensian crusade. Before that time the sect was spoken of as
the Publicants or Publicani, probably a corruption of the name Paulicians,
which the crusaders had brought back to Western Europe. …Of the Cathari, the
Bogomiles, Patoreni, Albigenses, etc., were only individual developments. In
general they all held the same doctrines …the same organization. …The severe
moral demands made impression because the example of the preachers corresponded
to their words.”2
Again, says Schmidt: “They spread during the middle ages over all
Europe, more especially in the Southern part. …Even as late as the fourteenth
century the inquisition in Italy was busy persecuting the Cathari. …Their name
in Italy was not Cathari, however, but Patereni, from Patari, an obscure street
in Milan, the headquarters of the rag-pickers, where they held their secret
assemblies. Their principle seat in Western Europe the Cathari had in Southern
France, where they were known as Albigenses. Thence they penetrated into the
northern provinces of Spain where they numbered many adherents in the
thirteenth century. To Germany they came partly from …
Prof. Geo. P. Fisher's Hist. Car. p. 194.
Schaff-Herzog Ency., vol. 1, p. 47.
…the East, from the Slav countries, partly from Flanders and
Campagne. …The sect lived in the regions along the Rhine, especially in Cologne
and Bonn. In England the Cathari found very little sympathy. They came over in
1159 from Holland, and in 1210 some are said to have been discovered in London.
This system was based upon the New Testament of which they possessed a
translation, probably derived from the Orient and deviating considerably from
the Vulgate.”1
Kurtz: “The principal centers of the Cathari were in Lombardy and
in the South of France, but numerous communities also existed in Belgium,
Germany and Spain. …The liturgy lately discovered by Kunitz dates from the
thirteenth century, and gives a more favorable opinion of them than had
formerly been entertained.”2
“The great stronghold of the numberless sects which were
designated as Cathari, Bulgarians, Manichaeans, etc., was in the South of
France, where they had secured the protection of Raymond the VI, Count of
Toulouse, and of other powerful vassals. …The little town of Albi, in the
district of Albigeois, was regarded as the great center of the party; whence
the name Albigenses, by which these sects were designated.”3 Says
Hase: “Paterini, the name Catharists, by which this sect was generally
designated, shows what were their ordinary pretentious. A similar opposition
prepared the way for the influences exerted by the Paulicians who had been
transferred into the western countries of Europe thence called Publicani
Bugari). The accounts we have of them are almost exclusively from their
enemies. All agree,…
Idem, p. 420
Kurtz's Ch. Hist., vol. 1, p. 455.
Idem, pp. 46I, 462.
…however, in describing them as universally and absolutely opposed
to the Catholic church and all its pomp, in consequence of which they professed
to be in immediate communication of the Holy Ghost, exalting them † above all
conscious necessity of ecclesiastical or civil laws.”1
That the reader may better understand how the Baptists of past ages
have been known by so many names I will here give but few of the many examples
of how liberal the Romish church was in naming its opponents: “Haeriticus est
omnis non orthodoxus. Manichaei ad imam usque scelerum necquitiam
pervenerunt…Manichseos seu, vel Donatistas meritissama severitate persequimur.
Huic itaque homnium generi nihil ex moribus, nihil ex legibus commune sit cum
caeteris. Ariani, Macedoniani, Pneumatomachi, Apolinariani, Novatiani,
Eunomiani, Tetraditiae, Valentiani, Pauliani, Papiansitae, Montanistae, sen
Pricillianistse, vel Phryges, vel Pepuzitse, Marcionistae, Borboritae,
Messiliani, Euchitae, sive Enthousiastae, Donatistae, Audiani, Hydroparastatae,
Tascodrogitae, Batrachitae, Hermogeniani, Photaniani, Marcelliani, Ophitae,
Encratistae, Carpocratitae, Saccophori, Manichae, Haeretici, Acephali,
Sabelliani, Eutychiani.”
These names, with the above denunciation of all to whom they were
applied as immoral, as without any merit and as deserving persecution to death,
Robinson has copied from an ancient law concerning heretics — ''Cod. …De
Wadington copies from Limborchs' History of the Inquisition,
another Romish list of names for the…
† The “laws” which they ignored were evidently the laws of Romish
ecclesiastical government. Nowhere did this people ever repudiate legitimate
rule of any government.
Hase's Hist. Chr. Ch., p. 252.
Robinson's Eccl. Resh. p. 166.
…”heretics,” of the thirteenth century. Here they are, with the
curses: “Catharos, Paterenos, Speromistas, Leonistas, Arnoldistas, Circumcisos,
Passaginos, Josephinos, Garatenses, Albaneses, Franciscos, Beghardos,
Commissos, Valdenses, Romanolos, Communellos, † Varinos, Ortulenos, cum illis
de aqua nigra, et omnes hereticos …damnamus.”1
Gieseler says: “The number of names of the heretics in this period
is far greater than that of new
In this great avalanche of names, and probably, at most, not more
than three or four kinds of dissenters from the Romish church, we see the folly
of attempting to identify any of the “sects” or trace Baptists, in history, by
any name or names. Yet, strange to say, church historians are greatly
influenced — yea, led by the names of these dissenters!
Kurtz says that after the beginning of the twelfth century those
who continued to entertain the Paulician “views probably joined the Euchites
and the Bogomils.”3 But who were the Euchites and the Bogomils?
Evidently, a people of the same belief and practice as the Paulicians with
which they were consolidated; or, more correctly expressed, the Paulicians
themselves under these names. In either case the Baptist line is unbroken. The
very fact of “consolidation” is prima facie evidence of identity of
faith and practice.
Mosheim says of Henry, the Henrician leader: “Several writers affirm
that he was one of the disciples…
† Would not the
Campbellites who propose to find the true church by its name have a sweet time
with these names.
Wadington's Ch. Hist. p. 288.
Gleseler's Ch. Hist., vol. 2, p. 574.
Kurtz's Ch. Hist., vol. 1, p. 2T3.
…of Peter de Bruys.”1 On page 287 of his church
history, Wadington shows the groundlessness of Mosheim's theoretical objection
to Henry having been a disciple of Peter de Bruys.
Wadington says: “It is certain that a very powerful sect named
Paulicians …spread very widely throughout the Greek provinces of Asia during
the eighth century. It is equally true that after a merciless persecution of
about one hundred and fifty years, their remnant, still numerous, was permitted
to settle in Bulgari and Thrace. Thence, it is believed by Muratori, Mosheim
and Gibbon, they gradually immigrated towards the West; at first as occasions
of fear or commerce or mendacity (another name for the pilgrimage) might be
presented; and latterly in the returning ranks of the crusaders. It is asserted
that their first migration was into Italy; that so early as the middle of the
eleventh century many of their colonies were established in Sicily, in
Lombardy, Insubria and principally at Milan; that others led a wandering life
in France, Germany and in other countries; and that they everywhere attracted
by their pious books and austere demeanor, excited the admiration, and. the
respect of the multitude.”2
Kurtz: “At the commencement of the eleventh century the Euchites
(Messelians, Enthusiasts,) attracted the attention of the government, their
opinions having widely spread in Thracia. …The “Emperor Tzimisces transported
the Paulicians to that province.” † Kurtz further says of the Catharists: “Probably,
however, the movement issued again from the East, in all likelihood from
Bulgaria, where since the time the Paulicians…
† Kurtz's Ch.
Hist., vol. 1, p. 240.
Mosheim's Eccl. Hist., cent. 12, part. 2, chap. 5, sec. 8.
Wadington's Ch. Hist., p. 289.
…had settled in that district Gnostic and Manichaean views had
been zealously propagated. …The most general designation was that of Cathari
but they were also called Bulgari. …Several of the charges preferred against
them may have arisen from misunderstanding' or calumny. The Paulician or
Bogomile opinions which they had embraced'' were “of a practical rather than of
a speculative character, and variously modified or kept in check.''1
Brockett, one of the best authorities on this subject, says: “The
Perfect! and Credentes are mentioned by
all writers on the Bogomils and the sects with which they were affiliated; and
it was one of the many evidences of the substantial identity with the
Albigenses, Paterenes, Vaudois, Catharists, Ketzers, Publicans, Waldenses,
etc., etc., that the same classes under equivalent names existed in all these
sects of alleged heretics.”2
Armitage: “The Bogomiles were a branch of the Cathari. Herzog
thinks …they were an offshoot from the Paulicians.”3 Of the
Paulicians, Armitage says: “The empress Theodora issued fresh edicts against
them and between A. D. 832 and 846 one hundred thousand of them were put to
death in the most barbarous manner. Infuriated with their persecutors, they
took up arms in self defense, and the contest continued in one shape and
another until in 973 large numbers of them were transported to Phillippopolis,
south of the Balkan mountains, in what is now called Bulgaria. For more than a
century the Paulicians stood with unbroken fortitude, which the sword was unable
to suppress. Like men they defended their rights to home,…
Kurtz's Ch. Hist., vol. 1, p. 453.
The Bogomllleg, p. 121.
Armitage's Hist. Bap., p. 278.
…religion and liberty under the holy sanctions of rebellion
against intolerable tyranny. And now they were accorded full religious liberty
in their transportation, on condition that they would guard the borders against
the pagans. But the conflict between them and the Greeks continued till the
twelfth century. Alexius Comnenus put forth some kind efforts to reclaim them
but failed, and they finally took refuge in Europe, where we shall meet them
again amongst the Albigenses.”l
The Encyclopedia Britannica says: “The Paulicians continued to
exist in Thrace until at least in the beginning of the thirteenth century, as
did also the Euchites, afterwards Bogomilles, who had been attracted to that
locality by the toleration of Tzimisces. Meanwhile branch societies of the
Paulicians established themselves in Italy, France, and appear under different
names, such as Bulgaria Patereni, Cathari and Albigenses.”2
Hallam says, the Albigenses came from one of the seats of
Paulician power: “The derivation of these
sects from Bulgaria is sufficiently proved.”3
Well, therefore, says the Revised Edition of the Encyclopedia
Britannica: “The sect of the Albigenses may be traced with tolerable
distinctness from the Paulicians.”4
In the foregoing is demonstrated that the Cathari under its
various names, are the Paulicians. Of course, there may have been, under the
various names, some who were not Baptists. But the facts demonstrate that in
the main, they were essentially Baptists.
Gieseler says: “The Cathari, or as they were now commonly called,
the Albigenses or Bulgarians…
Armitage's Hist. Bap., p. 240.
Vol. 18, p. 434—9th Ed.
Hallam's Middle Ages p. 505
Vol. 1, p. 164.
…maintained in all lands a very close connection with each other.”1 Again: “With. few exceptions all Cathari
stood in close connection, with each other, as also in their practical principles
and customs they quite agreed.”2
Prof. William Whitsitt, D.D., says: “The Catharists were as thick
as hops and they — the Waldenses —
joined them. …Not much difference between Waldenses and Catharists.” *
Therefore, when, as Kurtz says, the Roman Catholic “church made no
distinction between different sectaries, and one and the same sentence was
pronounced on Cathari and Waldenses, on Petrobrussians, Arnoldists,” its
judgment as to their identity was mainly correct; and, with all his prejudice,
Kurtz concedes: “Indeed, so far as their opposition to the papacy and hierarchy
was concerned, they were all at one.”3
Says Prof. A. H. Newman, D.D., LL.D.: “Keller has been accused of
utterly confounding the mediaeval parties, with treating Waldenses, Cathari,
evangelical Beghards, Brethren of the Common Life, Friends of God, Taborites,
Bohemian Brethren, etc., as essentially one party. What are the facts? It must
be borne in mind that Keller is far more intent on proving the prevalence of a
type of life and doctrine than on establishing the organic connection of the
various parties among themselves. He lays little stress upon the special sect
names, maintaining that they were not, as a rule, used by the evangelical
Christians with reference to themselves, but that they were commonly applied to
them by their opponents.”4 Remember that the very nature of Baptist…
* Lect. to his
Gieseler's Ch. Hist., vol. 2, pp. 576, 578.
Idem, pp. 582, 583.
Kurtz's Ch. Hist., vol. 1, p. 461.
Recent Resh. Concerning Medlaeval Sects, p. 173.
…church polity renders “organic connection” of Baptist churches an
Again, says Prof. A. H. Newman, D.D., LL.D.: “It would not be
difficult to suppose that evangelical dissent persisted, even though we had no
record of the fact, during the thirty-two years that intervened between the
death of Henry and the appearance of Peter Waldo. It is in itself highly
probable that Peter Waldo himself was influenced to a greater or less extent by
antecedent evangelical life. It is highly probable that the followers of Peter
de Bruys and Henry of Lausanne were driven beyond the regions in which these
teachers labored. Northern Italy was at that time in close relation with
Southern France, and the Cathari of the two regions sustained a lively
intercourse. It is probable that evangelical heresy was likewise freely
interchanged. The Waldenses who began their work at Lyons soon crossed the
mountains to Lombardy and established relations, as we shall see hereafter,
with evangelical Christians of a more pronounced type than themselves.
“These were, no doubt, in part, the result of the labors of Arnold
of Brescia; but it is not by any means unlikely that Arnold himself was
influenced by the teachings of Peter de Bruys, and it is highly probable that
these great teachers were subject to substantially the same evangelizing
influences and reached substantially the same views as to the evils of the time
and the remedy therefore. In Cologne we find, about 1446, before the death of
Henry, evangelical Christians of the Petrobrussian type, side by side with
Cathari and vigorously opposing them.”1
Dollinger, the great Romish historian, argues the identity of
these “sects.” First, because “the Cathari…
Idem, p. 188.
…are known to have existed in considerable numbers in the
territory in which Peter and Henry labored;” second, “these regions were soon
overrun with Manichaean or Catharistic heretics;” third, “there is no evidence
that the followers of Peter and Henry persisted as a party distinct from the
Cathari during the succeeding century,” fourth, “that to suppose Peter and
Henry to have been other than Catharistic would be to admit the existence of a
party and a set of views, for the origin and the subsequent disappearance
a/which we cannot account.”1
Says Brocket, one of the highest authorities; “The substantial
identity of these sects, which under so many different names were spread over
all Western Europe and their origin from the Protestants of Bulgaria and Bosnia
was strongly suspected by others than Regnier even in the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries. Perhaps the earliest writer who gives positive testimony
on this point is William Little, of Newbury, A. D. 1136-1220.”2
Again: “Evans in his recent monograph on the history of Bosnia,
has with great labor and research made an exhaustive study of the subject, and
brought the most conclusive proofs of all those early Protestants from a common
source and that source the Bogomiles of Bosnia and Bulgaria. Jirecek, a recent
Bohemian writer on Bosnia and Bulgaria, and Hilferding, a Russian historian of
Servia and Bulgaria, under which he includes Bosnia, both adduce official
evidence of the affiliation of the Bogomiles with the Waldenses, the Bohemians,
and the Moravians, as well as their identity with the 'Poor men of Lyons,' the
Vaudois, the Henricians and the so-called heretics of Toulouse, the Patarines
of Dalmatia and Italy, the Petrobrussians, the Bulgares or Bourgres and the…
Idem, p. 186.
The Bogomiles, by Brockett, p. 127.
Catharists of Spain. Matthew Paris, Roger of Hoveden and Ralph, of
Coggeshale, three of the most renowned of the early British chroniclers,
testify to their presence in large numbers at this period in Toulouse, in
Provence, in Flanders, and in England, and that they were called in the latter
two countries Publican! or Poplicani, a corruption of Paulicians. All these
writers trace them directly or indirectly to their origin in Bosnia.”1
Again, says Brockett: “A careful and critical examination of the
civil and ecclesiastical histories of this period in England, France and
Germany affords abundant corroborative evidence of the origin of all these
sects from the Bosnian churches, and of the complete identity of the doctrines
professed by them all. Under the fierce persecutions instituted against the
Waldenses, Catharists, etc., of Western Europe by the popes in the twelfth and
the beginning of the thirteenth centuries, we have the testimony of the popes
themselves that very many of the Waldenses, Paterines, Publicans, etc., took
refuge with their brethren in Bosnia, which at that time was protected by the
good Ban Culin.”2
Of the Bogomiles, Gieseler says: “In their peculiar doctrines and
customs, they agree so marvelously with the Cathari of the Western world, that
the connection of the two parties, for which there is historical testimony,
cannot fail to be recognized.”3
Cramp says: “The fact is, that the numerous names and descriptions
found in imperial edicts and decrees of councils refer to parties who held
substantially the same views.”4
The Bogomiles, by Brockett, pp. 69-70.
Idem, p. 71.
Gieseler's Ch. Hist., vol. 2, pp. 614-615.
Cramp's Hist. Bap., p. 99.
The foregoing statements show, first, that the best part of the
mentioned sects were essentially identical in doctrine and practice; second,
that they were of Paulician origin: in other words, that they were Paulicians
under other names. That they were Baptists was demonstrated in preceding
Of the abundant and uncontradictory evidence of their perpetuity
in the sixteenth century — to the times of the Anabaptists — the following is
but an illustration. We have seen the Paulicians were the Novatians perpetuated
under another name. Robinson says of the Novatians: “They were distinguished by
a variety of names and a succession of them continued until the Reformation.”1
Hase says: “Small communities of Bogomiles were found among the
Bulgarians through the whole of the middle ages and Paulicians have continued
to exist, under many changes. …until the present time.”2
Wadington says: “It is equally certain that, from the time of
Peter de Bruis to that of Luther, there have subsisted from some quarter or other
of the Western community various bodies of sectaries, who were at open or
secret variance with the church of Rome.”3 For more proof of the
continuance of these '' sects '' to the Reformation, see Chapter III.
Robinson's Eccl. Resh., pp 126-127.
Hase's Hist. Chr. Ch., p. 262.
Wadington's Ch. Hist., p. 553.