T.P. Simmons
List of authors quoted or referred to, together with names of publications quoted from of referred to. Names of publishers are not given in this electronic version. Authors quoted from periodicals and personal letters are not given.
Allen, Modern Science and Christian Faith (a symposium)
Agassiz, Methods of Study in Natural History
Armitage, History of the Baptists
Armour, Atonement and Law
Arnold, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Backus, Church History
Bancroft, Elemental Theology
Barnett, The Universe and Dr. Einstein
Benedict, General History of the Baptist Denomination
Blake, History of the Heavens
Blakie, Bible History
Boettner, Studies in Theology
Booth, Studies in Theology
Boyce, Abstract of Systematic Theology
Bowne, Metaphysics
Broaddus, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Bullen, Cruise of the Cachalot
Burrell, Why I Believe the Bible
Carroll, An Interpretation of the English Bible
Carson, Atonement and Other Treatises
Clark, The New Diluvialism
Clodd, Story of Creation
Cole, C. D., Definitions of Doctrines
Collett, All about the Bible
Comptons Pictured Encyclopedia
Conant, The Meaning and Use of Baptism
Condor, Tent Work in Palestine
Conn, Evolution of Today
Conn, Method of Evolution
Conner, System of Christian Doctrine
Cook, Story of Baptists
Cramp, Baptist History
Dana, Manual of Geology
Dargan, Doctrines of Our Faith
Dargan, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Dawson, Modern Science in Bible Lands
Decours, Pasteur and His Work
Delitzch, System of Biblical Psychology
Descartes, Discourse on Method
DeVries, Beyond the Atom
Diman, Theistic Argument
Dods, The Expositor's Bible
Dorner, Glaubenslehre or System of Doctrine
Edwards, Freedom of the Will
Estes, New Testament Theology
Fairhurst, Theistic Evolution
Finney, Lectures on Systematic Theology
Ford, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Fuller, Richard, Baptist Doctrines
Funk & Wagnall's, Desk Standard Dictionary
Garrels, A Textbook on Geology
Gaussen, Theopneustia
Gedney, Modern Science and Christian Faith
Giessler, Church History
Gilbert, Transactions of the Victoria Institute
Gill, Cause of God and Truth
Gill, Body of Divinity
Goodwin, Greek Grammar
Gould, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Graves, The Seven Dispensations
Gray, Natural Science and Religion
Gwatkin, Early Church History
Hackett, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Hamilton, Bible Evangelism
Handrich, Everyday Science for the Christian
Handrich, Creation—Facts, Theories, and Faith
Harnack, History of Dogma
Harris, Philosophic Basis of Theism
Harvey, H. H., An American Commentary on the New Testament
Harvey, W. P., Feminism
Hodge, Systematic Theology
Hodge, Outlines
Hodges, The Episcopal Church, Its Faith and Order
Hornyold, The Seven Sacraments
Huxley, Other Side of Evolution
Iams, Before the Footlights
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Commentary
Jarrel, Church Perpetuity
Jones, Church History
Josephus, Against Apion
Liddell & Scott, Greek Lexicon
Lodge, The Great Design
Luther, Bondage of the Will
Manly, Bible Doctrine of Inspiration
Mariette, History of Egypt
Mason, Church That Jesus Built
Mavor, General Biology
Meyer, Commentary
Minutes of General Assn. Of Baptists in Kentucky
Moody, J. B., Plan and Way of Salvation
Moody, J. B., Sin, Salvation, and Service
Morell, Philosophic Fragments
Morgan, Critique of the Theory of Evolution
Morris, Henry M., That You Might Believe
Morris, Herbert W., Science and the Bible
Moule, Expositor's Bible
Mullins, Christian Religion in Its Doctrinal Expression
Murphy, Scientific Basis of Theism
McGiffert, History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age
McGlothlin, Baptist Confessions of Faith
Neander, Church History
Ness, Antidote Against Arminianism
Noll, The Fairest Argument
Northrup (and Watts), Sovereignty of God
Obrien, Catechism of the Bible
Patterson, What the Protestant Bible Teaches About the Catholic Church
Peloubet's Bible Dictionary
Pendleton, Christian Doctrines
Pendleton, New Testament With Brief Notes
Pink, Exposition of Gospel of John
Plumptre, Elliot's N. T. Commentary
Porter, Human Intellect
Price, Common Sense Geology
Price, Evolutionary Geology
Price, Genesis Vindicated
Price, How Did the World Begin?
Pritchard, Vestiges of Creation
Rainy, Ancient Catholic Church
R. A. L., The Reason Why
Reid, The Blood of Jesus
Rice, God Sovereign and Man Free
Rigdon, Science and Religion
Riley, Baptists in the Building of a Nation
Rimmer, Modern Science and the Genesis Record
Rimmer, Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science
Robertson, Short Grammar of the Greek New Testament
Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament
Rousseau, A Savoyard Vicar
Sanger, The Redeemed
Sawtelle, An American Commentary on the New Testament
Schaff, History of Apostolic Church
Schubert & Dunbar, Textbook of Geology
Shedd, Discourses and Essays
Sheldon, Outline of Science
Smith, J. A., An American Commentary on the New Testament
Smith, J. P., How God Inspired the Bible
Sophocies, Greek Lexicon
Spencer, History of Kentucky Baptists
Spurgeon, Sermons
Steele, New Descriptive Astronomy
Stoner, Modern Science and Christian Faith
Stricker, What Happens After Death?
Strong, Systematic Theology
Thayer, Greek Lexicon of the New Testament
Thomas, Church and the Kingdom
Torrey, Difficulties and Alleged Contradictions in the Bible
Torrey, What The Bible Teaches
Tregelles, Tregelles on Daniel
Tuck, Handbook of Biblical Difficulties
Urquhart, New Biblical Guide
Vedder, Short History of Baptists
Walker, J. B., Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation
Warfield, Biblical Doctrines
Watts (and Northrup), Sovereignty of God
Webster's International Dictionary
Williams, An American Commentary
Young, Analytical Concordance of the Bible
Zanchius, Absolute Predestination
Zittle, History of Geology