1) The collectors of the public taxes
Lu 5:27
2) Suspected of extortion
Lu 3:13
3) Often guilty of extortion
Lu 19:8
4) Chiefs of, were very rich
Lu 19:2
5a) Despised
Lu 18:11
5b) Classed with the most infamous characters
Mt 11:19 21:32
5c) Despised our Lord for associating with
Mt 9:11 11:19
6) Often kind to their friends
Mt 5:46,47
7) Often hospitable
Lu 5:29 19:6
8a) Believed the preaching of John
Mt 21:32
8b) Received John's baptism
Lu 3:12 7:29
8c) Attended the preaching of Christ
Mr 2:15 Lu 15:1
8d) Embraced the gospel
Mt 21:31
9) Matthew the apostle was of
Mt 10:3
1) Is from God
Le 26:18 Isa 13:11
2a) Sin
La 3:39
2b) Iniquity
Jer 36:31 Eze 3:17-18 18:4,13,20 Am 3:2
2c) Idolatry
Le 26:30 Isa 10:10,11
2d) Rejection of the law of God
1Sa 15:23 Ho 4:6-9
2e) Ignorance of God
2Th 1:8
2f) Evil ways and doings
Jer 21:14 Ho 4:9 12:2
2g) Pride
Isa 10:12 24:21 Lu 14:11
2h) Unbelief
Mr 16:16 Ro 11:20 Heb 3:18,19 4:2
2i) Covetousness
Isa 57:17 Jer 51:13
2j) Oppressing
Isa 49:26 Jer 30:16,20
2k) Persecuting
Jer 11:21,22 Mt 23:34-36
2l) Disobeying God
Ne 9:26,27 Eph 5:6
2m) Disobeying the gospel
2Th 1:8
3) Is the fruit of their sin
Job 4:8 Pr 22:8 Ro 6:21 Ga 6:8
4) Is the reward of their sins
Ps 91:8 Isa 3:11 Jer 16:18 Ro 6:23 Heb 2:2
5) Often brought about by their evil designs
Es 7:10 Ps 37:15 57:6
6) Often commences in this life
Pr 11:31
7a) Sickness
Le 26:16 Ps 78:50
7b) Famine
Le 26:19,20,26,29 Ps 107:34
7c) Noisome beasts
Le 26:22
7d) War
Le 26:25,32,33 Jer 6:4
7e) Deliverance to enemies
Ne 9:27
7f) Fear
Le 26:36,37 Job 18:11
7g) Reprobate mind
Ro 1:28
7h) Put in slippery places
Ps 73:3-19
7i) Trouble and distress
Isa 8:22 Zep 1:15
7j) Cutting off
Ps 94:23
7k) Bringing down their pride
Isa 13:11
8) Future, shall be awarded by Christ
Mt 16:27 25:31,41
9a) Hell
Ps 9:17 Mt 5:29 Lu 12:5 16:23
9b) Darkness
Mt 8:12 2Pe 2:17
9c) Death
Ro 5:12-17 6:23
9d) Resurrection of damnation
Joh 5:29
9e) Rising to shame and everlasting contempt
Da 12:2
9f) Everlasting destruction
Ps 52:5 92:7 2Th 1:9
9g) Everlasting fire
Mt 25:41 Jude 1:7
9h) Second death
Re 2:11 21:8
9i) Damnation of hell
Mt 23:33
9j) Eternal damnation
Mr 3:29
9k) Blackness of darkness
2Pe 2:17 Jude 1:13
9l) Everlasting burnings
Isa 33:14
9m) The wrath of God
Joh 3:36
9n) Wine of the wrath of God
Re 14:10
9o) Torment with fire
Re 14:10
9p) Torment for ever and ever
Re 14:11
9q) The righteousness of God requires
2Th 1:6
9r) Often sudden and unexpected
Ps 35:8 64:7 Pr 29:1 Lu 12:20 1Th 5:3
10a) According to their deeds
Mt 16:27 Ro 2:6,9 2Co 5:10
10b) According to the knowledge possessed by them
Lu 12:47,48
10c) Increased by neglect of privileges
Mt 11:21-24 Lu 10:13-15
10d) Without mitigation
Lu 16:23-26
10e) Accompanied by remorse
Isa 66:24 Mr 9:44
11) No combination avails against
Pr 11:21
12) Deferred, emboldens them in sin
Ec 8:11
13) Should be a warning to others
Nu 26:10 1Co 10:6-11 Jude 1:7
14) Consummated at the day of judgment
Mt 25:31,46 Ro 2:5,16 2Pe 2:9
1) Antiquity of
Ge 4:13,14
2) Power of inflicting, given to magistrates
Job 31:11 Ro 13:4
3) Designed to be a warning to others
De 13:11 17:13 19:20
4a) On the guilty
De 24:16 Pr 17:26
4b) Without pity
De 19:13,21
4c) Without partiality
De 13:6-8
4d) By order of magistrates
Ac 16:22
4e) By order of kings
2Sa 1:13-16 1Ki 2:23-46
4f) Immediately after sentence was passed
De 25:2 Jos 7:25
4g) By the witnesses
De 13:9 17:7 Joh 8:7 Ac 7:58,59
4h) By the people
Nu 15:35,36 De 13:9
4i) By soldiers
2Sa 1:15 Mt 27:27-35
5) Sometimes deferred until God was consulted
Nu 15:34
6) Sometimes deferred for a considerable time
1Ki 2:5,6,8,9
7a) Imprisonment
Ezr 7:26 Mt 5:25
7b) Confinement in a dungeon
Jer 38:6 Zec 9:11
7c) Confinement in stocks
Jer 20:2 Ac 16:24
7d) Fine, or giving of money
Ex 21:22 De 22:19
7e) Restitution
Ex 21:36 22:1-4 Le 6:4,5 24:18
7f) Retaliation or injuring according to the injury done
Ex 21:24 De 19:21
7g) Binding with chains and fetters
Ps 105:18
7h) Scourging
De 25:2,3 Mt 27:26 Ac 22:25 2Co 11:24
7i) Selling the criminal
Mt 18:25
7j) Banishment
Ezr 7:26 Re 1:9
7k) Torturing
Mt 18:34 Heb 11:37
7l) Putting out the eyes
Jud 16:21 1Sa 11:2
7m) Cutting off hands and feet
2Sa 4:12
7n) Mutilating the hands and feet
Jud 1:5-7
7o) Cutting off nose and ears
Eze 23:25
7p) Plucking out the hair
Ne 13:25 Isa 50:6
7q) Confiscating the property
Ezr 7:26
8) Inflicting of capital, not permitted to the Jews by
the Romans
Joh 18:31
9a) Burning
Ge 38:24 Le 20:14 Da 3:6
9b) Hanging
Nu 25:4 De 21:22,23 Jos 8:29 2Sa 21:12 Es 7:9,10
9c) Crucifying
Mt 20:19 27:35
9d) Beheading
Ge 40:19 Mr 6:16,27
9e) Slaying with the sword
1Sa 15:33 Ac 12:2
9f) Stoning
Le 24:14 De 13:10 Ac 7:59
9g) Cutting in pieces
Da 2:5 Mt 24:51
9h) Sawing asunder
Heb 11:37
9i) Exposing to wild beasts
Da 6:16,24 1Co 15:32
9j) Bruising in mortars
Pr 27:22
9k) Casting headlong from a rock
2Ch 25:12
9l) Casting into the sea
Mt 18:6
10) Strangers not exempted from
Le 20:2
11) Were sometimes commuted
Ex 21:29,30
12) For murder not to be commuted
Nu 35:31,32
1) Of Israel at the exodus
Ex 14:22 1Co 10:2
2) Of Israel before receiving the law
Ex 19:10
3) Of priests before consecration
Ex 29:4
4) Of Levites before consecration
Nu 8:6,7
5) Of high priest on day of atonement
Le 16:4,24
6) Of things for burnt-offerings
2Ch 4:6
7) Of individuals who were ceremonially unclean
Le 15:2-13 17:15 22:4-7 Nu 19:7-12,21
8) Of the healed leper
Le 14:8,9
9) Of Nazarites after vow expired
Ac 21:24,26
10) Used by the devout before entering God's house
Ps 26:6 Heb 10:22
11) Multiplied by traditions
Mt 15:2 Mr 7:3,4
12a) Water of separation
Nu 19:9
12b) Running water
Le 15:13
12c) Water mixed with blood
Ex 24:5-8 Heb 9:19
13) WAS BY
13a) Sprinkling
Nu 19:13,18 Heb 9:19
13b) Washing parts of the body
Ex 30:19
13c) Washing the whole body
Le 8:6 14:9
14) Of priests performed in the brazen laver
Ex 30:18 2Ch 4:6
15) Vessels in the houses of the Jews for
Joh 2:6
16) Consequence of neglecting those prescribed by law
Le 17:16 Nu 19:13,20
17) Availed to sanctifying the flesh
Heb 9:13
18) Insufficient for spiritual purification
Job 9:30,31 Jer 2:22
19) The Jews laid great stress on
Joh 3:25
20a) Purification by the blood of Christ
Heb 9:9-12
20b) Regeneration
Eph 5:26 1Jo 1:7
1) Occasioned by the condensing of the clouds
Job 36:27,28 Ps 77:17 Ec 11:3
2) GOD
2a) Made a decree for
Job 28:26
2b) Prepares
Ps 147:8
2c) Gives
Job 5:10
2d) Causes, to come down
Joe 2:23
2e) Exhibits goodness in giving
Ac 14:17
2f) Exhibits greatness in giving
Job 36:26,27
2g) Sends upon the evil and good
Mt 5:45
2h) Should be praised for
Ps 147:7,8
2i) Should be feared on account of
Jer 5:24
3) Impotence of idols exhibited in not being able to give
Jer 14:22
4) Not sent upon the earth immediately after creation
Ge 2:5
5) Rarely falls in Egypt
De 11:10 Zec 14:18
6) Canaan abundantly supplied with
De 11:11
7a) Refreshing the earth
Ps 68:9 72:6
7b) Making fruitful the earth
Heb 6:7
7c) Replenishing the springs and fountains of the earth
Ps 104:8
8) Promised in due season to the obedient
Le 26:4 De 11:14 Eze 34:26,27
9) Frequently withheld on account of iniquity
De 11:17 Jer 3:3 5:25 Am 4:7
10a) Causes the earth to open
Job 29:23 Jer 14:4
10b) Dries up springs and fountains
1Ki 17:7
10c) Occasions famine
1Ki 18:1,2
10d) Removed by prayer
1Ki 8:35,36 Jas 5:18
11) Withheld for three years and six months in the days
of Elijah
1Ki 17:1 Jas 5:17
12a) Great
Ezr 10:9
12b) Plentiful
Ps 68:9
12c) Overflowing
Eze 38:22
12d) Sweeping
Pr 28:3
12e) Small
Job 37:6
13) The former, after harvest, to prepare for sowing
De 11:14 Jer 5:24
14) The latter, before harvest
Joe 2:23 Zec 10:1
15) The rainbow often appears during
Ge 9:14 Eze 1:28
16) Often succeeded by heat and sunshine
2Sa 23:4 Isa 18:4
17) The appearance of a cloud from the west indicated
1Ki 18:44 Lu 12:54
18) The north wind drives away
Pr 25:23
19) Unusual in harvest time
Pr 26:1
20) Thunder and lightning often with
Ps 135:7
21) Storm and tempest often with
Mt 7:25,27
22a) Time of the flood
Ge 7:4,12
22b) Plague of, upon Egypt
Ex 9:18,23
22c) During wheat harvest in the days of Samuel
1Sa 12:17,18
22d) After long drought in Ahab's reign
1Ki 18:45
22e) After the captivity
Ezr 10:9,13
23) Often impeded travelling in the east
1Ki 18:44 Isa 4:6
24) Often destroyed houses
Eze 13:13-15 Mt 7:27
25a) Of the word of God
Isa 55:10,11
25b) Of the doctrine of faithful ministers
De 32:2
25c) Of Christ in the communication of his graces
Ps 72:6 Ho 6:3
25d) Of spiritual blessings
Ps 68:9 84:6 Eze 34:26
25e) Of righteousness
Ho 10:12
25f) (Destructive,)of God's judgments
Job 20:23 Ps 11:6 Eze 38:22
25g) (Destructive,)of a poor man oppressing the poor
Pr 28:3
1) Unclean and not to be eaten
Le 11:15 De 14:14
2) Called the raven of the valley
Pr 30:17
3a) Black
So 5:11
3b) Solitary in disposition
Isa 34:11
3c) Improvident
Lu 12:24
3d) Carnivorous
Pr 30:17
4) God provides food for
Job 38:41 Ps 147:9 Lu 12:24
5) Sent by Noah from the ark
Ge 8:7
6) Elijah fed by
1Ki 17:4-6
7) Plumage of, illustrative of the glory of Christ
So 5:11
1) Is the cutting of the corn in harvest
Job 24:6 Le 23:10
2) The sickle used for
De 16:9 Mr 4:29
3) Both men and women engaged in
Ru 2:8,9
4a) The corners of their fields
Le 19:9 23:22
4b) During the Sabbatical year
Le 25:5
4c) During the year of jubilee
Le 25:11
4d) The fields of others
De 23:25
5) Mode of gathering the corn for, alluded to
Ps 129:7 Isa 17:5
6) Corn after, was bound up into sheaves
Ge 37:7 Ps 129:7
7a) Under the guidance of a steward
Ru 2:5,6
7b) Visited by the master
Ru 2:4 2Ki 4:18
7c) Fed by the master who himself presided at their meals
Ru 2:14
7d) Received wages
Joh 4:36 Jas 5:4
8) A time of great rejoicing
Ps 126:5,6
9) The Jews often hindered from, on account of their sins
Mic 6:15
10) Often unprofitable on account of sin
Jer 12:13
11a) Receiving the reward of wickedness
Job 4:8 Pr 22:8 Ho 8:7 Ga 6:8
11b) Receiving the reward of righteousness
Ho 10:12 Ga 6:8,9
11c) Ministers receiving temporal provision for spiritual
1Co 9:11
11d) Gathering in souls to God
Joh 4:38
11e) The judgments of God on the antichristian world
Re 14:14-16
11f) The final judgment
Mt 13:30,39-43
1) Forbidden
Nu 14:9 Jos 22:19
2) Provokes God
Nu 16:30 Ne 9:26
3) Provokes Christ
Ex 23:20,21 1Co 10:9
4) Vexes the Holy Spirit
Isa 63:10
5a) Unbelief
De 9:23 Ps 106:24,25
5b) Rejecting his government
1Sa 8:7 15:23
5c) Revolting from him
Isa 1:5 31:6
5d) Despising his law
Ne 9:26
5e) Despising his counsels
Ps 107:11
5f) Distrusting his power
Eze 17:15
5g) Murmuring against him
Nu 20:3,10
5h) Refusing to hearken to him
De 9:23 Eze 20:8 Zec 7:11
5i) Departing from him
Isa 59:13
5j) Rebellion against governors appointed by him
Jos 1:18
5k) Departing from his precepts
Da 9:5
5l) Departing from his instituted worship
Ex 32:8,9 Jos 22:16-19
5m) Sinning against light
Job 24:13 Joh 15:22 Ac 13:41
5n) Walking after our own thoughts
Isa 65:2
6a) Stubbornness
De 31:27
6b) Injustice and corruption
Isa 1:23
6c) Contempt of God
Ps 107:11
6d) Man is prone to
De 31:27 Ro 7:14-18
6e) The heart is the seat of
Jer 5:23 Mt 15:18,19 Heb 3:12
7a) Aggravate their sin by
Job 34:27
7b) Practise hypocrisy to hide
Ho 7:14
7c) Persevere in
De 9:7,24
7d) Increase in, though chastised
Isa 1:5
7e) Warned not to exalt themselves
Ps 66:7
7f) Denounced
Isa 30:1
7g) Have God as their enemy
Isa 63:10
7h) Have God's hand against them
1Sa 12:15 Ps 106:26,27
7i) Impoverished for
Ps 68:6
7j) Brought low for
Ps 107:11,12
7k) Delivered into the hands of enemies on account of
Ne 9:26,27
7l) Cast out in their sins for
Ps 5:10
7m) Cast out of the church for
Eze 20:38
7n) Restored through Christ alone
Ps 68:18
8) Heinousness of
1Sa 15:23
9a) Aggravated by God's fatherly care
Isa 1:2
9b) Aggravated by God's unceasing invitations to return
to him
Isa 65:2
9c) To be deprecated
Jos 22:29
9d) To be confessed
La 1:18,20 Da 9:5
10) God alone can forgive
Da 9:9
11) God is ready to forgive
Ne 9:17
12) Religious instruction designed to prevent
Ps 78:5,8
13) Promises to those who avoid
De 28:1-13 1Sa 12:14
14) Forgiven upon repentance
Ne 9:26,27
15a) Cautioned against
Eze 2:8
15b) Sent to those guilty of
Eze 2:3-7 3:4-9 Mr 12:4-8
15c) Should warn against
Nu 14:9
15d) Should testify against
Isa 30:8,9 Eze 17:12 44:6
15e) Should remind their people of past
De 9:7 31:27
16) Punishment for
Le 26:14-39 1Sa 12:15 Isa 1:20 Jer 4:16-18 Eze 20:8,38
17) Punishment for teaching
Jer 28:16
18) Ingratitude of-Illustrated
Isa 1:2,3
19) Exemplified
19a) Pharaoh
Ex 5:1,2
19b) Korah &c
Nu 16:11
19c) Moses and Aaron
Nu 20:12,24
19d) Israelites
De 9:23,24
19e) Saul
1Sa 15:9,23
19f) Jeroboam
1Ki 12:28-33
19g) Zedekiah
2Ch 36:13
19h) Kingdom of Israel
Ho 7:14 13:16
1) Descended from Hemath
1Ch 2:55
2) The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy against
the house of Ahab
2Ki 10:15-17
3) Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settlements or
drinking wine
Jer 35:6-8
4) Obedience of, a sign to Israel
Jer 35:12-17
5) Perpetuity to, promised
Jer 35:18,19
1) Predicted
Da 9:24 Isa 53:5
2) Proclaimed by angels at the birth of Christ
Lu 2:14
3) Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances is
necessary to
Eph 2:16 Col 2:14
4a) By God in Christ
2Co 5:19
4b) By Christ as High Priest
Heb 2:17
4c) By the death of Christ
Ro 5:10 Eph 2:16 Col 1:21,22
4d) By the blood of Christ
Eph 2:13 Col 1:20
4e) While alienated from God
Col 1:21
4f) Without strength
Ro 5:6
4g) Yet sinners
Ro 5:8
4h) While enemies to God
Ro 5:10
5) The ministry of committed to ministers
2Co 5:18,19
6) Ministers, in Christ's stead, should beseech men to
2Co 5:20
7a) Peace of God
Ro 5:1 Eph 2:16,17
7b) Access to God
Ro 5:2 Eph 2:18
7c) Union of Jews and Gentiles
Eph 2:14
7d) Union of things in heaven and earth
Col 1:20 Eph 1:10
8) A pledge of final salvation
Ro 5:10
9) Necessity for-Illustrated
Mt 5:24-26
10) Typified
Le 8:15 16:20
1) Defined
1Co 6:20 7:23
2) Is of God
Isa 44:21-23 43:1 Lu 1:68
3) Is by Christ
Mt 20:28 Ga 3:13
4) Is by the blood of Christ
Ac 20:28 Heb 9:12 1Pe 1:19 Re 5:9
5) Christ sent to effect
Ga 4:4,5
6) Christ is made, to us
1Co 1:30
7a) The bondage of the law
Ga 4:5
7b) The curse of the law
Ga 3:13
7c) The power of sin
Ro 6:18,22
7d) The power of the grave
Ps 49:15
7e) All troubles
Ps 25:22
7f) All iniquity
Ps 130:8 Tit 2:14
7g) All evil
Ge 48:16
7h) The present evil world
Ga 1:4
7i) Vain conversation
1Pe 1:18
7j) Enemies
Ps 106:10,11 Jer 15:21
7k) Death
Ho 13:14
7l) Destruction
Ps 103:4
8) Man cannot effect
Ps 49:7
9) Corruptible things cannot purchase
1Pe 1:18
10a) Justification
Ro 3:24
10b) Forgiveness of sin
Eph 1:7 Col 1:14
10c) Adoption
Ga 4:4,5
10d) Purification
Tit 2:14
11) The present life, the only season for
Job 36:18,19
12a) Precious
Ps 49:8
12b) Plenteous
Ps 130:7
12c) Eternal
Heb 9:12
13a) The soul
Ps 49:8
13b) The body
Ro 8:23
13c) The life
Ps 103:4 La 3:58
13d) The inheritance
Eph 1:14
14a) Power of God
Isa 50:2
14b) Grace of God
Isa 52:3
14c) Love and pity of God
Isa 63:9 Joh 3:16 Ro 6:8 1Jo 4:10
15) A subject for praise
Isa 44:22,23 51:11
16) Old Testament saints partakers of
Heb 9:15
17a) Are the property of God
Isa 43:1 1Co 6:20
17b) Are first-fruits to God
Re 14:4
17c) Are a peculiar people
2Sa 7:23 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:9
17d) Are assured of
Job 19:25 Ps 31:5
17e) Are sealed to the day of
Eph 4:30
17f) Are Zealous of good works
Eph 2:10 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:9
17g) Walk safely in holiness
Isa 35:8,9
17h) Shall return to Zion with joy
Isa 35:10
17i) Alone can learn the songs of heaven
Re 14:3,4
17j) Commit themselves to God
Ps 31:5
17k) Have an earnest of the completion of
Eph 1:14 2Co 1:22
17l) Wait for the completion of
Ro 8:23 Php 3:20,21 Tit 2:11-13
17m) Pray for the completion of
Ps 26:11 44:26
17n) Praise God for
Ps 71:23 103:4 Re 5:9
17o) Should glorify God for
1Co 6:20
17p) Should be without fear
Isa 43:1
18a) Israel
Ex 6:6
18b) First-born
Ex 13:11-15 Nu 18:15
18c) Atonement-money
Ex 30:12-15
18d) Bond-servant
Le 25:47-54
1) To be without spot or blemish
Nu 19:2
2) To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer
Nu 19:3
3) To be slain without the camp
Nu 19:3
4) Entire of, to be burned
Nu 19:5
5) Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the tabernacle
Nu 19:4
6) Cedar, hyssop, burned with
Nu 19:6
7) Ashes of, collected and mixed with water for
Nu 19:9,11-22
8a) The priest that offered her
Nu 19:7
8b) The man that burned her
Nu 19:8
8c) The man who gathered the ashes
Nu 19:10
9) Could only purify the flesh
Heb 9:13
10) A type of Christ
Heb 9:12-14
1) What it is
Isa 45:22 Mt 6:19-21 Ac 14:15 2Co 5:17 Col 3:2 1Th 1:9
Heb 12:1,2
2) Commanded to all by God
Eze 18:30-32 Ac 17:30
3) Commanded by Christ
Re 2:5,16 3:3
4) Given by God
Ac 11:18 2Ti 2:25
5) Christ came to call sinners to
Mt 9:13
6) Christ exalted to give
Ac 5:31
7) By the operation of the Holy Spirit
Zec 12:10
8) Called repentance to life
Ac 11:18
9) Called repentance to salvation
2Co 7:10
10a) The long-suffering of God
Ge 6:3 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 3:9
10b) The goodness of God
Ro 2:4
10c) The chastisements of God
1Ki 8:47 Re 3:19
10d) Godly sorrow works
2Co 7:10
11) Necessary to the pardon of sin
Ac 2:38 3:19 8:22
12) Conviction of sin necessary to
1Ki 8:38 Pr 28:13 Ac 2:37,38 19:18
13a) By Christ
Mt 4:17 Mr 1:15
13b) By John the Baptist
Mt 3:2
13c) By the Apostles
Mr 6:12 Ac 20:21
13d) In the name of Christ
Lu 24:47
14) Not to be repented of
2Co 7:10
15) The present time the season for
Ps 95:7,8 Heb 3:7,8 Pr 27:1 Isa 55:6 2Co 6:2 Heb 4:7
16) There is joy in heaven over one sinner brought to
Lu 15:7,10
17) Ministers should rejoice over their people on their
2Co 7:9
18) Should be evidenced by fruits
Isa 1:16,17 Da 4:27 Mt 3:8 Ac 26:20
19a) Humility
2Ch 7:14 Jas 4:9,10
19b) Shame and confusion
Ezr 9:6-15 Jer 31:19 Eze 16:61,63 Da 9:7,8
19c) Self-abhorrence
Job 42:6
19d) Confession
Le 26:40 Job 33:27
19e) Faith
Mt 21:32 Mr 1:15 Ac 20:21
19f) Prayer
1Ki 8:33 Ac 8:22
19g) Conversion
Ac 3:19 26:20
19h) Turning from sin
2Ch 6:26
19i) Turning from idolatry
Eze 14:6 1Th 1:9
19j) Greater zeal in the path of duty
2Co 7:11
20) Exhortations to
Eze 14:6 18:30 Ac 2:38 3:19
21a) Averse to
Jer 8:6 Mt 21:32
21b) Not led to by the judgments of God
Re 9:20,21 16:9
21c) Not led to, by miraculous interference
Lu 16:30,31
21d) Neglect the time given for
Re 2:21
21e) Condemned for neglecting
Mt 11:20
22) Danger of neglecting
Mt 11:20-24 Lu 13:3,5 Re 2:22
23) Neglect of, followed by swift judgment
Re 2:5,16
24) Denied to apostates
Heb 6:4-6
25) Illustrated
Lu 15:18-21 18:13
25a) The Prodigal Son
Lu 15:17-19
25b) The Repentant Son
Mt 21:29
25c) Paul
Ga 1:23
26) True-Exemplified
26a) Israelites
Jud 10:15,16
26b) David
2Sa 12:13
26c) Manasseh
2Ch 33:12,13
26d) Job
Job 42:6
26e) Nineveh
Jon 3:5-8 Mt 12:41
26f) Peter
Mt 26:75
26g) Zacchaeus
Lu 19:8
26h) Thief on the Cross
Lu 23:40,41
26i) Corinthians
2Co 7:9,10
27) False-Exemplified
27a) Saul
1Sa 15:24-30
27b) Ahab
1Ki 21:27-29
27c) Judas
Mt 27:3-5
1) Subdued by Chedorlaomer
Ge 14:5
2) Dwelt in Canaan
Jos 17:15
3) Og the king of Bashan was of
Jos 13:12
4a) A border of Judah
Jos 15:8
4b) Was exceedingly fruitful
Isa 17:5
4c) David obtained victories over the Philistines in
2Sa 5:18,25
5) The last of, destroyed by David and his warriors
1Sa 17:4,49,50 2Sa 21:15-22
1) God gives reproof to his own children
2Sa 7:14 Job 5:17 Ps 94:12 119:67,71,75 Heb 12:6,7
2) God gives, to the wicked
Ps 50:21 Isa 51:20
3) Christ sent to give
Isa 2:4 11:3
4) The Holy Spirit gives
Joh 16:7,8
5) Christ gives, in love
Re 3:19
6a) Impenitence
Mt 11:20-24
6b) Not understanding
Mt 16:9,11 Mr 7:18 Lu 24:25 Joh 8:43 13:7,8
6c) Hardness of heart
Mr 8:17 16:14
6d) Fearfulness
Mr 4:40 Lu 24:37,38
6e) Unbelief
Mt 17:17,20 Mr 16:14
6f) Vain boasting
Lu 22:34
6g) Hypocrisy
Mt 15:7 23:13
6h) Reviling Christ
Lu 23:40
6i) Unruly conduct
1Th 5:14
6j) Oppressing out brethren
Ne 5:7
6k) Sinful practices
Mt 21:13 Lu 3:19 Joh 2:16
7) The Scriptures are profitable for
Ps 19:7-11 2Ti 3:16
8a) Is for correction
Ps 39:11
8b) Is despised by the wicked
Pr 1:30
8c) Should not discourage saints
Heb 12:5
8d) Pray that it be not be in anger
Ps 6:1
8e) Should be accompanied by exhortation to repentance
1Sa 12:20-25
9a) Better than secret love
Pr 27:5
9b) Better than the praise of fools
Ec 7:5
9c) An excellent oil
Ps 141:5
9d) More profitable to saints, than stripes to a fool
Pr 17:10
10) A proof of faithful friendship
Pr 27:6
11a) Understanding
Pr 15:32
11b) Knowledge
Pr 19:25
11c) Wisdom
Pr 15:31 29:15
11d) Honour
Pr 13:18
11e) Happiness
Pr 6:23
12) Eventually brings more respect than flattery
Pr 28:23
13) Of those who offend, a warning to others
Le 19:17 Ac 5:3,4,9 1Ti 5:20 Tit 1:10,13
14) Hypocrites not qualified to give
Mt 7:5
15) Ministers are sent to give
Jer 44:4 Eze 3:17
16) Ministers are empowered to give
Mic 3:8
17a) Openly
1Ti 5:20
17b) Fearlessly
Eze 2:3-7
17c) With all authority
Tit 2:15
17d) With longsuffering &c
2Ti 4:2
17e) Unreservedly
Isa 58:1
17f) Sharply, if necessary
Tit 1:13
17g) With Christian love
2Th 3:15
18) They who give, are hated by scorners
Pr 9:8 15:12
19) Hatred of, a proof of brutishness
Pr 12:1
20) Hatred of, leads to destruction
Pr 15:10 29:1
21) Contempt of, leads to remorse
Pr 5:12
22) Rejection of, leads to error
Pr 10:17
23a) Give
Le 19:17 Eph 5:11
23b) Give no occasion for
Php 2:15
23c) Receive kindly
Ps 141:5
23d) Love those who give
Pr 9:8
23e) Delight in those who give
Pr 24:25
24) Attention to a proof of prudence
Pr 15:5
25) Exemplified
25a) Samuel
1Sa 13:13
25b) Nathan
2Sa 12:7-9
25c) Ahijah
1Ki 14:7-11
25d) Elijah
1Ki 21:20
25e) Elisha
2Ki 5:26
25f) Joab
1Ch 21:3
25g) Shemaiah
2Ch 12:5
25h) Hanani
2Ch 16:7
25i) Zechariah
2Ch 24:20
25j) Daniel
Da 5:22,23
25k) John the Baptist
Mt 3:7 Lu 3:19
25l) Stephen
Ac 7:51
25m) Peter
Ac 8:20
25n) Paul
1Co 1:10-13 5:1-5 6:1-8 11:17-22 Ga 2:11
1) Created by God
Ge 1:24,25
2) Made for praise and glory of God
Ps 148:10
3) Placed under the dominion of man
Ge 1:26
4) Unclean and not eaten
Le 11:31,40-43 Ac 10:11-14
5a) Chameleon
Le 11:30
5b) Lizard
Le 11:30
5c) Tortoise
Le 11:29
5d) Snail
Le 11:30 Ps 58:8
5e) Frog
Ex 8:2 Re 16:13
5f) Horseleech
Pr 30:15
5g) Scorpion
De 8:15
5h) Serpent
Job 26:13 Mt 7:10
5i) Flying fiery serpent
De 8:15 Isa 30:6
5j) Dragon
De 32:33 Job 30:29 Jer 9:11
5k) Viper
Ac 28:3
5l) Adder or Asp
Ps 58:4 91:13 Pr 23:32
5m) Cockatrice or basilisk
Isa 11:8 59:5
6) Solomon wrote a history of
1Ki 4:33
7) Worshipped by Gentiles
Ro 1:23
8) No image of similitude of, to be made for worshipping
De 4:16,18
9) Jews condemned for worshipping
Eze 8:10
1) Christ set and example of
Mt 26:39-44 Joh 12:27 18:11
2) Commanded
Ps 37:7 46:10
3a) Submission to the will of God
2Sa 15:26 Ps 42:5,11 Mt 6:10
3b) Submission to the sovereignty of God in his purposes
Ro 9:20,21
3c) The prospect of death
Ac 21:13 2Co 4:16-5:1
3d) Loss of goods
Job 1:15,16,21
3e) Loss of children
Job 1:18,19,21
3f) Chastisements
Heb 12:9
3g) Bodily suffering
Job 2:8-10
4) The wicked are devoid of
Pr 19:3
5) Exhortation to
Ps 37:1-11
6a) God's greatness
Ps 46:10
6b) God's love
Heb 12:6
6c) God's justice
Ne 9:33
6d) God's wisdom
Ro 11:32,33
6e) God's faithfulness
1Pe 4:19
6f) Our own sinfulness
La 3:39 Mic 7:9
7) Exemplified
7a) Jacob
Ge 43:14
7b) Aaron
Le 10:3
7c) Israelites
Jud 10:15
7d) Eli
1Sa 3:18
7e) David
2Sa 12:23
7f) Hezekiah
2Ki 20:19
7g) Job
Job 2:10
7h) Stephen
Ac 7:59
7i) Paul
Ac 21:13
7j) Disciples
Ac 21:14
7k) Peter
2Pe 1:14
1) A doctrine of the Old Testament
Job 19:26 Ps 16:10 49:15 Isa 26:19 Da 12:2 Ho 13:14
2) A first principle of the gospel
1Co 15:13,14 Heb 6:1,2
3) Expected by the Jews
Joh 11:24 Heb 11:35
4) Denied by the Sadducees
Mt 22:23 Lu 20:27 Ac 23:8
5) Explained away by false teachers
2Ti 2:18
6) Called in question by some in the church
1Co 15:12
7) Is not incredible
Mr 12:24 Ac 26:8
8) Is not contrary to reason
Joh 12:24 1Co 15:35-49
9) Assumed and proved by our Lord
Mt 22:29-32 Lu 14:14 Joh 5:28,29
10) Preached by the Apostles
Ac 4:2 17:18 24:15
11) Credibility of, shown by the resurrection of
Mt 9:25 27:53 Lu 7:14 Joh 11:44 Heb 11:35
12) Certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Christ
1Co 15:12-20
13a) God
Mt 22:29
13b) Christ
Joh 5:28,29 6:39,40,44
13c) The Holy Spirit
Ro 8:11
14) Shall be of all the dead
Joh 5:28 Ac 24:15 Re 20:13
15a) Rise through Christ
Joh 11:25 Ac 4:2 1Co 15:21,22
15b) Rise first
1Co 15:23 1Th 4:16
15c) Rise to eternal life
Da 12:2 Joh 5:29
15d) Be glorified with Christ
Col 3:4
15e) Be as the angels
Mt 22:30
15f) Have incorruptible bodies
1Co 15:42
15g) Have glorious bodies
1Co 15:43
15h) Have powerful bodies
1Co 15:43
15i) Have spiritual bodies
1Co 15:44
15j) Have bodies like Christ's
Php 3:21 1Jo 3:2
15k) Be recompensed
Lu 14:14
16) Saints should look forward to
Da 12:13 Php 3:11 2Co 5:1
17) Of saints shall be followed by the change of those
then alive
1Co 15:51 1Th 4:17
18a) Mocking
Ac 17:32
18b) Persecution
Ac 23:6 24:11-15
19) Blessedness of those who have part in the first
Re 20:6
20a) Shame and everlasting contempt
Da 12:2
20b) Damnation
Joh 5:29
21) Illustrative of the new birth
Joh 5:25
22) Illustrated
Eze 37:1-10 1Co 15:36,37
1) Foretold by the prophets
Ps 16:10 Ac 13:34,35 Isa 26:19
2) Foretold by Himself
Mt 20:19 Mr 9:9 14:28 Joh 2:19-22
3a) The fulfilment of Scripture
Lu 24:45,46
3b) Forgiveness of sins
1Co 15:17
3c) Justification
Ro 4:25 8:34
3d) Hope
1Co 15:19
3e) The efficacy of preaching
1Co 15:14
3f) The efficacy of faith
1Co 15:14,17
4) A proof of his being the Son of God
Ps 2:7 Ac 13:33 Ro 1:4
5a) The power of God
Ac 2:24 3:15 Ro 8:11 Eph 1:20 Col 2:12
5b) His own power
Joh 2:19 10:18
5c) The power of the Holy Spirit
1Pe 3:18
6) On the first day of the week
Mr 16:9
7) On the third day after his death
Lu 24:46 Ac 10:40 1Co 15:4
8a) At first did not understand the predictions
Mr 9:10 Joh 20:9
8b) Very slow to believe
Mr 16:13 Lu 24:9,11,37,38
8c) Reproved for their unbelief of
Mr 16:14
9a) Mary Magdalene
Mr 16:9 Joh 20:18
9b) The women
Mt 28:9
9c) Simon Peter
Lu 24:34
9d) Two disciples
Lu 24:13-31
9e) Apostles, except Thomas
Joh 20:19,24
9f) Apostles, Thomas being present
Joh 20:26
9g) Apostles at the sea of Tiberias
Joh 21:1
9h) Apostles in Galilee
Mt 28:16,17
9i) About five hundred brethren
1Co 15:6
9j) James
1Co 15:7
9k) All the Apostles
Lu 24:51 Ac 1:9 1Co 15:7
9l) Paul
1Co 15:8
10) Fraud impossible in
Mt 27:63-66
11) He gave many infallible proofs of
Lu 24:35,39,43 Joh 20:20,27 Ac 1:3
12a) Angels
Mt 28:5-7 Lu 24:4-7,23
12b) Apostles
Ac 1:22 2:32 3:15 4:33
12c) His enemies
Mt 28:11-15
13) Asserted and preached by the Apostles
Ac 25:19 26:23
14a) Begotten to a lively hope
1Pe 1:3,21
14b) Desire to know the power of
Php 3:10
14c) Should keep, in remembrance
2Ti 2:8
14d) Shall rise in the likeness of
Ro 6:5 1Co 15:49 Php 3:21
15) Is an emblem of the new birth
Ro 6:4 Col 2:12
16) The first-fruits of our resurrection
Ac 26:23 1Co 15:20,23
17) The truth of the gospel involved in
1Co 15:14,15
18) Followed by his exaltation
Ac 4:10,11 Ro 8:34 Eph 1:20 Php 2:9,10 Re 1:18
19) An assurance of the judgment
Ac 17:31
20) Typified
20a) Isaac
Ge 22:13 Heb 11:19
20b) Jonah
Jon 2:10 Mt 12:40
1) Descended from Jacob's first son
Ge 29:32
2) Predictions respecting
Ge 49:4 De 33:6
3a) To number the people
Nu 1:5
3b) To spy out the land
Nu 13:4
4) Strength of, on leaving Egypt
Nu 1:20,21
5) Led the second division of Israel in their journey's
Nu 10:18
6) Encamped with its standard south of the tabernacle
Nu 2:10
7) Offering of, at the dedication
Nu 7:30-35
8) Families of
Nu 26:5,6,8,9
9) Obtained inheritance east of Jordan on condition of
helping to conquer Canaan
Nu 32:1-33 De 3:18-20
10) Bounds of their inheritance
De 3:16,17 Jos 13:15-23
11) Strength of, at the time of receiving their
Nu 26:7
12) Cities built by
Nu 32:37,38
13) On Ebal, said amen to the curses
De 27:13
14) Dismissed by Joshua after the conquest of Canaan
Jos 22:1-9
15) Assisted in building the altar of witness which
offended the other tribes
Jos 22:10-29
16) Did not assist against Sisera
Jud 5:15,16
17) Some of, at David's coronation
1Ch 12:37,38
18) Officers appointed over, by David
1Ch 26:32 27:16
19) Took land of the Hagarites
1Ch 5:10,18-22
20) Invaded and conquered by Hazael king of Syria
2Ki 10:32,33
21) Carried away by Tiglathpileser
2Ki 15:29 1Ch 5:6,26
22) Remarkable persons of
22a) Dathan, Abiram, and On
Nu 16:1 26:9,10
22b) Adina &c
1Ch 11:42
1) Forbidden by our Lord
Le 19:18 Pr 24:17,29 Mt 5:39-41 Ro 12:17,19 1Th 5:15 1Pe
2) Christ an example of forbearing
Isa 53:7 1Pe 2:23
3) Rebuked by Christ
Lu 9:54,55
4) Inconsistent with Christian spirit
Lu 9:55
5) Proceeds from a spiteful heart
Eze 25:15
6a) Trust in God
Pr 20:22 Ro 12:16
6b) Exhibit love
Le 19:18 Lu 6:35
6c) Give place to wrath
Ro 12:19
6d) Exercise forbearance
Mt 5:38-41
6e) Bless
Ro 12:14
6f) Overcome others by kindness
Pr 25:21,22 Ro 12:20
7) Keep others from taking
1Sa 24:10 25:24-31 26:9
8) Be thankful for being kept from taking
1Sa 25:32,33
9) The wicked are earnest after
Jer 20:10
10) Punishment for
Eze 25:15-17 Am 1:11,12
11) Exemplified
11a) Simon and Levi
Ge 34:25
11b) Samson
Jud 15:7,8 16:28-30
11c) Joab
2Sa 3:27
11d) Absalom
2Sa 13:23-29
11e) Jezebel
1Ki 19:2
11f) Ahab
1Ki 22:26
11g) Haman
Es 3:8-15
11h) Edomites
Eze 25:12
11i) Philistines
Eze 25:15
11j) Herodias
Mr 6:19-24
11k) James and John
Lu 9:54
11l) Chief priests
Ac 5:33
11m) Jews
Ac 7:54,59 23:12
1) Forbidden
1Pe 3:9
2) Of rulers specially forbidden
Ex 22:28 Ac 23:4,5
3a) God
Ps 74:22 79:12
3b) God, by opposing the poor
Pr 14:31
3c) Christ
Mt 27:39 Lu 7:34
3d) Saints
Ps 102:8 Zep 2:8
3e) Rulers
2Pe 2:10,11 Jude 1:8,9
4) Of Christ, predicted
Ps 69:9 Ro 15:3 Ps 89:51
5) The conduct of Christ under
1Pe 2:23
6a) Endure
1Ti 4:10 Heb 10:33
6b) Endure for God's sake
Ps 69:7
6c) Endure for Christ's sake
Lu 6:22
6d) Should expect
Mt 10:25
6e) Should not fear
Isa 51:7
6f) Sometimes depressed by
Ps 42:10,11 44:16 69:20
6g) May take pleasure in
2Co 12:10
6h) Supported under
2Co 12:10
6i) Trust in God under
Ps 57:3 119:42
6j) Pray under
2Ki 19:4,16 Ps 89:50
6k) Return blessings for
1Co 4:12 1Pe 3:9
7) Ministers should not fear
Eze 2:6
8) Happiness of enduring, for Christ's sake
1Pe 4:14
9) Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake
Mt 5:11 Lu 6:22
10) Excludes from heaven
1Co 6:10
11) Punishment for
Zep 2:8,9 Mt 5:22
12) Exemplified
12a) Joseph's brethren
Ge 37:19
12b) Goliath
1Sa 17:43
12c) Michal
2Sa 6:20
12d) Shimei
2Sa 16:7,8
12e) Sennacherib
Isa 37:17,23,24
12f) Moabites and Ammonites
Zep 2:8
12g) Pharisees
Mt 12:24
12h) Jews
Mt 27:39,40 Joh 8:48
12i) Malefactor
Lu 23:39
12j) Athenian philosophers
Ac 17:18
1) Signs that may accompany a conterfeit revival
1a) The work is carried on in an unusual way
1b) It produces strong effects on the bodies of the
1c) It prompts a great deal of attention
1d) It stirs people's imagination
1e) It promotes too much by the influenece of example and
1f) Errors in judgment and even "delusions of
Satan" are intermingled with it
Ac 16:16,17 19:13
1h) Some of its professed converts later fall into
Ac 8:18-22
1i) Its preachers insist too much on the terrors of God's
2) Signs that always accompany a true revival
2a) It raises peoples esteem about Jesus
Ps 73:25,26
2b) It leads them to turn away from sin and toward
Ro 6:19,22 2Co 7:1 Eph 1:4 4:24 1Th 3:13 4:7 Heb 12:10,14
2c) It increases their love for the Bible
Ps 119:1-176
2d) It grounds them in the basic truths of the faith
Eph 3:17 Col 1:23
2e) It evokes greater love for and service to God and
other people
Mr 10:43,44 Lu 10:36,37 Joh 13:14 21:16 Ga 6:2,10
By Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Adapted from "Faith Today", Page 24, 25. March-April 1995, Volume 13, Number 2, Box
8800, Stn. B., Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2R6
1) Is from God
Ro 2:7 Col 3:24 Heb 11:6
2) Is of grace, through faith alone
Ro 4:4,5,16 11:6
3) Is of God's good pleasure
Mt 20:14,15 Lu 12:32
4) Prepared by God
Heb 11:16
5) Prepared by Christ
Joh 14:2
6) As servants of Christ
Col 3:24
7) Not on account of their merits
Ro 4:4,5
8a) Being with Christ
Joh 12:26 14:3 Php 1:23 1Th 4:17
8b) Beholding the face of God
Ps 17:15 Mt 5:8 Re 22:4
8c) Beholding the glory of Christ
Joh 17:24
8d) Being glorified with Christ
Ro 8:17,18 Col 3:4 Php 3:21 1Jo 3:2
8e) Sitting in judgment with Christ
Da 7:22 Mt 19:28 Lu 22:30 1Co 6:2
8f) Reigning with Christ
2Ti 2:12 Re 3:21 5:10 20:4
8g) Reigning for ever and ever
Re 22:5
8h) A crown of righteousness
2Ti 4:8
8i) A crown of glory
1Pe 5:4
8j) A crown of life
Jas 1:12 Re 2:10
8k) An incorruptible crown
1Co 9:25
8l) Joint heirship with Christ
Ro 8:17
8m) Inheritance of all things
Re 21:7
8n) Inheritance with saints in light
Ac 20:32 26:18 Col 1:12
8o) Inheritance eternal
Heb 9:15
8p) Inheritance incorruptible
1Pe 1:4
8q) A kingdom
Mt 25:34 Lu 22:29
8r) A kingdom immovable
Heb 12:28
8s) Shining as the stars
Da 12:3
8t) Everlasting light
Isa 60:19
8u) Everlasting life
Lu 18:30 Joh 6:40 17:2,3 Ro 2:7 6:23 1Jo 5:11
8v) An enduring substance
Heb 10:34
8w) A house eternal in the heavens
2Co 5:1
8x) A city which had foundation
Heb 11:10
8y) Entering into the joy of the Lord
Mt 25:21 Heb 12:2
8z) Rest
Heb 4:9 Re 14:13
8A) Fulness of joy
Ps 16:11
8B) The prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Php 3:14
8C) Treasure in heaven
Mt 19:21 Lu 12:33
8D) An eternal weight of glory
2Co 4:17
9) Is great
Mt 5:12 Lu 6:35 Heb 10:35
10) Is full
2Jo 1:8
11) Is sure
Pr 11:18
12) Is satisfying
Ps 17:15
13) Is inestimable
Isa 64:4 1Co 2:9
14) Saints may feel confident of
Ps 73:24 Isa 25:8,9 2Co 5:1 2Ti 4:8
15) Hope of, a cause of rejoicing
Ro 5:2
16) Be careful not to lose
2Jo 1:8
17a) Diligence
2Jo 1:8
17b) Pressing forward
Php 3:14
17c) Enduring suffering for Christ
2Co 4:16-18 Heb 11:26
17d) Faithfulness to death
Re 2:10
18) Present afflictions not to be compared with
Ro 8:18 2Co 5:17
19) Shall be given at the second coming of Christ
Mt 16:27 Re 22:12
1) The true riches
Eph 3:8 1Co 1:30 Col 2:3 1Pe 2:7
2) God gives
1Sa 2:7 Ec 5:19
3) To God belongs this world's riches
Hag 2:8
4) God gives power to obtain
De 8:18
5) The blessing of the Lord brings
Pr 10:22
6) Give worldly power
Pr 22:7
7a) Temporary
Pr 27:24
7b) Uncertain
1Ti 6:17
7c) Unsatisfying
Ec 4:8 5:10
7d) Corruptible
Jas 5:2 1Pe 1:18
7e) Fleeting
Pr 23:5 Re 18:16,17
7f) Deceitful
Mt 13:22
7g) Liable to be stolen
Mt 6:19
7h) Perishable
Jer 48:36
7i) Thick clay
Hab 2:6
8) Often an obstruction to the reception of the gospel
Mr 10:23-25
9) Deceitfulness of, chokes the word
Mt 13:22
10) The love of, the root of all evil
1Ti 6:10
11a) Pride
Eze 28:5 Ho 12:8
11b) Forgetting God
De 8:13,14
11c) Denying God
Pr 30:8,9
11d) Forsaking God
De 32:15
11e) Rebelling against God
Ne 9:25,26
11f) Rejecting Christ
Mt 19:22 10:22
11g) Self-sufficiency
Pr 28:11
11h) Anxiety
Ec 5:12
11i) An overbearing spirit
Pr 18:23
11j) Violence
Mic 6:12
11k) Oppression
Jas 2:6
11l) Fraud
Jas 5:4
11m) Sensual indulgence
Lu 16:19 Jas 5:5
12) Life consists not in abundance of
Lu 12:15
13) Be not over-anxious for
Pr 30:8
14) Labour not for
Pr 23:4
15a) Fall into temptation and a snare
1Ti 6:9
15b) Fall into hurtful lusts
1Ti 6:9
15c) Err from the faith
1Ti 6:10
15d) Use unlawful means to acquire
Pr 28:20
15e) Bring trouble on themselves
1Ti 6:10
15f) Bring trouble on their families
Pr 15:27
16) Profit not in the day of wrath
Pr 11:4
17) Cannot secure prosperity
Jas 1:11
18) Cannot redeem the soul
Ps 49:6-9 1Pe 1:18
19) Cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath
Zep 1:18 Re 6:15-17
20a) Ascribe them to God
1Ch 29:12
20b) Not trust in them
Job 31:24 1Ti 6:17
20c) Not set the heart on them
Ps 62:10
20d) Not boast of obtaining them
De 8:17
20e) Not glory in them
Jer 9:23
20f) Not hoard them up
Mt 6:19
20g) Devote them to God's service
1Ch 29:3 Mr 12:42-44
20h) Give of them to the poor
Mt 19:21 1Jo 3:17
20i) Use them in promoting the salvation of others
Lu 16:9
20j) Be liberal in all things
1Ti 6:18
20k) Esteem it a privilege to be allowed to give
1Ch 29:14
20l) Not to be high-minded
1Ti 6:17
20m) When converted, rejoice in being humbled
Jas 1:9,10
21) Heavenly treasures superior to
Mt 6:19,20
22) Of the wicked laid up for the just
Pr 13:22
23a) Often increase in
Ps 73:12
23b) Often spend their day in
Job 21:13
23c) Swallow down
Job 20:15
23d) Trust in the abundance of
Ps 52:7
23e) Heap up
Job 27:16 Ps 39:6 Ec 2:26
23f) Keep, to their hurt
Ec 5:13
23g) Boast themselves in
Ps 49:6 52:7
23h) Profit not by
Pr 11:4 13:7 Ec 5:11
23i) Have trouble with
Pr 15:6 1Ti 6:9,10
23j) Must leave, to others
Ps 49:10
24) Vanity of heaping up
Ps 39:6 Ec 5:10,11
25) Guilt of trusting in
Job 31:24,28 Eze 28:4,5,8
26) Guilt of rejoicing in
Job 31:25,28
27a) Get, by vanity
Pr 13:11 21:6
27b) Get, unlawfully
Jer 17:11
27c) Increase, by oppression
Pr 22:16 Hab 2:6-8 Mic 2:2,3
27d) Hoard up
Ec 5:13,14 Jas 5:3
27e) Trust in
Pr 11:28
27f) Receive their consolation
Lu 6:24
27g) Abuse
Jas 5:1,5
27h) Spend, upon their appetite
Job 20:15-17
27i) Folly and danger of trusting to-Illustrated
Lu 12:16-21
28) Danger of misusing-Illustrated
Lu 16:19-25
29) Examples of saints possessing
29a) Abram
Ge 13:2
29b) Lot
Ge 13:5,6
29c) Isaac
Ge 26:13,14
29d) Jacob
Ge 32:5,10
29e) Joseph
Ge 45:8,13
29f) Boaz
Ru 2:1
29g) Barzillai
2Sa 19:32
29h) Shunammite
2Ki 4:8
29i) David
1Ch 29:28
29j) Jehoshaphat
2Ch 17:5
29k) Hezekiah
2Ch 32:27-29
29l) Job
Job 1:3
29m) Joseph of Arimathea
Mt 27:57
29n) Zacchaeus
Lu 19:2
29o) Dorcas
Ac 9:36
30) Examples of those truly rich
Mt 5:8 8:10 13:45,46 Lu 10:42 Joh 1:45
Php 3:8 Jas 2:5 1Pe 2:7 Re 3:18
31) Examples of wicked men possessing
31a) Laban
Ge 30:30
31b) Esau
Ge 36:7
31c) Nabal
1Sa 25:2
31d) Haman
Es 5:11
31e) Ammonites
Jer 49:4
31f) People of Tyre
Eze 28:5
31g) Young man
Mt 19:22
1) Is obedience to God's law
De 6:25 Ro 10:5 Lu 1:6 Ps 1:2
2) God loves
Ps 11:7
3) God looks for
Isa 5:7
4a) Is the Sun of
Mal 4:2
4b) Loves
Ps 45:7 Heb 1:9
4c) Was girt with
Isa 11:5
4d) Put on, as breast-plate
Isa 59:17
4e) Was sustained by
Isa 59:16
4f) Preached
Ps 40:9
4g) Fulfilled all
Mt 3:15
4h) Is made to his people
1Co 1:30
4i) Is the end of the law for
Ro 10:4
4j) Has brought in everlasting
Da 9:24
4k) Shall judge with
Ps 72:2 Isa 11:4 Ac 17:31 Re 19:11
4l) Shall reign in
Ps 45:6 Isa 32:1 Heb 1:8
4m) Shall execute
Ps 99:4 Jer 23:6
5) None, by nature have
Job 15:14 Ps 14:3 Ro 3:10
6) Cannot come by the law
Ga 2:21 3:21
7) No justification by works of
Ro 3:20 9:31,32 Ga 2:16
8) No salvation by works of
Eph 2:8,9 2Ti 1:9 Tit 3:5
9) Unregenerate man seeks justification by works of
Lu 18:9 Ro 10:3
10) The blessing of God is not to be attributed to our
works of
De 9:5
11a) Have, in Christ
Isa 45:24 54:17 2Co 5:21
11b) Have, imputed
Ro 4:11,22
11c) Are covered with the robe of
Isa 61:10
11d) Receive, from God
Ps 24:5
11e) Are renewed in
Eph 4:24
11f) Are led in the paths of
Ps 23:3
11g) Are servants of
Ro 6:16,18
11h) Characterised by
Ge 18:25 Ps 1:5,6
11i) Know
Isa 51:7
11j) Do
1Jo 2:29 3:7
11k) Work, by faith
Heb 11:33
11l) Follow after
Isa 51:1
11m) Put on
Job 29:14
11n) Wait for the hope of
Ga 5:5
11o) Pray for the spirit of
Ps 51:10
11p) Hunger and thirst after
Mt 5:6
11q) Walk before God in
1Ki 3:6
11r) Offer the sacrifice of
Ps 4:5 51:19
11s) Put no trust in their own
Php 3:6-8
11t) Count their own, as filthy rags
Isa 64:6
11u) Should seek
Zep 2:3
11v) Should live in
Tit 2:12 1Pe 2:24
11w) Should serve God in
Lu 1:75
11x) Should yield their members as instruments of
Ro 6:13
11y) Should yield their members servants to
Ro 6:19
11z) Should have on the breast-plate of
Eph 6:14
12) Shall receive a crown of
2Ti 4:8
13) Shall see God's face in
Ps 17:15
14) Of saints endures forever
Ps 112:3,9 2Co 9:9
15) An evidence of the new birth
1Jo 2:29
16) The kingdom of God is
Ro 14:17
17) The fruit of the Spirit is in all
Eph 5:9
18) The Scriptures instruct in
2Ti 3:16
19) Judgments designed to lead to
Isa 26:9
20) Chastisements yield the fruit of
Heb 12:11
21) Has no fellowship with unrighteousness
2Co 6:14
22a) Be preachers of
2Pe 2:5
22b) Reason of
Ac 24:25
22c) Follow after
1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:22
22d) Be clothed with
Ps 132:9
22e) Be armed with
2Co 6:7
22f) Pray for the fruit of, in their people
2Co 9:10 Php 1:11
23) Keep saints in the right way
Pr 11:5 13:6
24) Judgment should be executed in
Le 19:15
25a) Are righteous
1Jo 3:7
25b) Are the excellent of the earth
Ps 16:3 Pr 12:26
25c) Are accepted with God
Ac 10:35
25d) Are loved by God
Ps 146:8 Pr 15:9
25e) Are blessed by God
Ps 5:12
25f) Are heard by God
Lu 18:7 Jas 5:16
25g) Are objects of God's watchful care
Job 36:7 Ps 34:15 Pr 10:3 1Pe 3:12
25h) Are tried by God
Ps 11:5
25i) Are exalted by God
Job 36:7
25j) Dwell in security
Isa 33:15,16
25k) Are bold as a lion
Pr 28:1
25l) Are delivered out of all troubles
Ps 34:19 Pr 11:8
25m) Are never forsaken by God
Ps 37:25
25n) Are abundantly provided for
Pr 13:25 Mt 6:25-33
25o) Are enriched
Ps 112:3 Pr 15:6
25p) Think and desire good
Pr 11:23 12:5
25q) Know the secret of the Lord
Ps 25:14 Pr 3:32
25r) Have their prayers heard
Ps 34:17 Pr 15:29 1Pe 3:12
25s) Have their desires granted
Pr 10:24
25t) Find it with life and honour
Pr 21:21
25u) Shall hold on their way
Job 17:9
25v) Shall never be moved
Ps 15:2,5 55:22 Pr 10:30 12:3
25w) Shall be ever remembered
Ps 112:6
25x) Shall flourish as a branch
Pr 11:28
26) Shall be glad in the Lord
Ps 64:10
27) Brings its own reward
Pr 11:18 Isa 3:10
28) Tends to life
Pr 11:19 12:28
29) The work of, shall be peace
Isa 32:17
30) The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for
Isa 32:17
31) Is a crown of glory to the aged
Pr 16:31
32a) Are far from
Ps 119:150 Isa 46:12
32b) Are free from
Ro 6:20
32c) Are enemies of
Ac 13:10
32d) Leave off
Am 5:7 Ps 36:3
32e) Follow not after
Ro 9:30
32f) Do not
1Jo 3:10
32g) Do not obey
Ro 2:8 2Th 2:12
32h) Love lying rather than
Ps 52:3
32i) Make mention of God, not it
Isa 48:1
32j) Though favoured, will not learn
Isa 26:10 Ps 106:43
32k) Speak contemptuously against those who follow
Ps 31:18 Mt 27:39-44
32l) Hate those who follow
Ps 34:21
32m) Slay those who follow
Ps 37:32 1Jo 3:12 Mt 23:35
32n) Should break off their sins by
Da 4:27
32o) Should awake to
1Co 15:34
32p) Should sow to themselves in
Ho 10:12
32q) Vainly wish to die as those who follow
Nu 23:10
33) The throne of kings established by
Pr 16:12 25:5
34) Nations exalted by
Pr 14:34
35a) Having imputed, without works
Ro 4:6
35b) Doing
Ps 106:3
35c) Hungering and thirsting after
Mt 5:6
35d) Suffering for
1Pe 3:14
35e) Being persecuted for
Mt 5:10
35f) Turning others to
Da 12:3
36) Promised to the Church
Isa 32:16 45:8 61:11 62:1
37) Promised to saints
Isa 60:21 61:3
38) Exemplified
38a) Jacob
Ge 30:33
38b) David
2Sa 22:21
38c) Zacharias
Lu 1:6
38d) Abel
Heb 11:4
38e) Lot
2Pe 2:8